Saturday, 28 July 2007

Smell Silhouettes approaching.

I've probably just gone through the worst two weeks of my life. I've been charged,backstabbed, betrayed, heartbroken and probably many other injustices that i just cannot recall at the moment. I've been looking for someone to talk to but I don't know who to call. Who to trust. Too much shit has happened for me to list down. Furthermore, its my excuse for not blogging over the past few weeks. The great news is I am botak again. This might sound desperate or pathetic. But i really don't care. I believe I am on the verge of a major anger spurt. This is when i find out who really are my friends. And I'm desperately in need of some form of comfort.

I'm flushing the trust out of everyone.
Stabbing in the back and thinking they can break me.
Better bring it I'm taking it all.
Fuck an inch I'll take a mile.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Many or all may not know who or what Buchuphelas stands for. The simplest analogy of who Buchuphelas was that i can give you is simply put, a dog. A dog so loyal and courageous that Alexander the Great trusted him more than he did his own men. Many may ponder why i have such a fascination for such an unassuming mutt. But truth is, Buchuphelas was the torch for Alexander. He was equal to Alexander unlike any other man or animal. He was the opposite of Alexander. All the charactheristics Alexander lacked Buchuphelas possessed. Buchuphelas was like the alter-ego of Alexander. Which is what many people fail to understand. They see Alexander's closest liasions as his mere pawns. But Buchuphelas, just like Aphrodite, were what made Alexander whole. They were part of the Great Warrior, his left and his right. Well, i think its enough on why i named my blog Buchuphelas. I felt the need to start a new blog because i needed a fresh start. And also to keep all posted on my progress through my military strife. Mainly because I am sick of people asking me how is NS. Well now I am going to bring my NS experiences to you on hopefully a weekly basis. Till then, Good Night And Good Luck.